

What's this?

It's just little a page with random coding projects, tools, and more.

Programming is kind of what I like to do - I create programs and applets and put them here!

Up top are links to other places you'll find me on.

Interactive tools

A strange mix of JS and python - in your browser.

Discord conversation maker

Image to Discord message

Image to Thirty Dollar Website

Text to Discord emote

Every-letter spoilerer

See all GitHub repos


Download and try them out!

MIDI synthesizer and visualizer

Launcher for NSMBVS mods

Experimental online Gen 5-styled Pokédex

Simple arcade style game

More to see!

This is just a small amount of my projects. I've got many more little experiments and work-in-progress things that couldn't make it in this website.

For them, check my GitHub profile over here and itch.io page right here!